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Time of The Year

Its time of the year again. November. Every year for the past 4 years I've been doing the same thing from November to February. Getting a new tattoo. I will trot to Sg. Wang (previously Spec Body Art when Kelvin was working there), get an outline session on November. Then I will come back on end of December or early January to get half of the tatt shaded. Finally 1 week before Chinese New Year it will be finished and I'll be limping and grinning like an idiot in the office.

Curi tulang while with CIMB

This year, sadly, don't have new skin to wear for 2009 Chinese New Year. Jobless, officially bankrupt as of now. Even if I get a job by this month (hopefully with AMEX) too tied up with my current mod (Project Matriarch) and estimated about 2.5k will be going to my spunking new quad core set up. I actually wanted a Cerberus/3-headed hell hound wrapping up my left thigh on May, but Kelvin was busy and after that I used up the cash. I'm leaving the empty spots behind both calves till I find a suitable design for them.

Before kena operate

I may go under the needle again, for the 5th consecutive year. He still owe me 20% of my left calf. The reaper's cloak is not fully done, the scythe totally untouched, and the hourglass as well. Meh, finishing an old job is not as "kick" as getting a new one. I expect to be fully covered on both legs, back, and sleeve one of my arms by the time I reach 30. Let me see if I can remember when I got each:

August 2004 - 21 years old, Aztec eagle from shoulder blade to shoulder blade, 3/4 back-length vertically. Done in bedroom. That's when I learnt how true Spec's line is: "Good tattoos ain't cheap, cheap tattoos ain't good"

August 2005 - Remember the bad haze time? Just knew Kelvin and went all the way to Segamat to visit him. Touched up my back for 4 hours (and saved it) at his home studio.

Touch up

November 2006
- Yuki (Kelvin's wife) found something that can actually cover half my chicken leg's calf. Thats when I got the Robin Hood-like skeleton hiding behind brick wall on my left calf. Finished a week before CNY 07

Right calf

November 2007
- Ripped something off the net. Its one of the rarest "handsome" grim reaper you can ever find. Only managed to finish the outline before CNY 08. My eldest niece, Zoe, told my sister "Uncle got drawing". LOL.

Left calf

November 2008 - Hope he's free one of these days

Here's a little video that I took myself on my old V3i while he worked on my left calf last year. Didn't feel anything, until the moment the needle says hi to the bone. Cheesus, it turned my bones into joint-vibrators.

Stim or not after watching it? My mom will go like this every year at the Sibu airport:


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