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Army list thoughts: 1500pts (again!)

King's Landing baby!

Greetings all.

Ok so the picture is completely unrelated, but as I don't have any models to show you, I thought I'd share!

Been a while since I've posted... I've not been completely idle, but most of my gaming time has been spent assembling ancient bits of lead for my army. I thought I'd just let you know that I'm not dead though. Been thinking about working my list more towards something "competitive" (how I hate that word!).

After another kicking at the hands of my clubmates (three in a row now... oh dear), I've re-jigged the list to this:

Daemon Prince of Slaanesh - Lash, Portal, Wings, Armour, ML3

11 Horrors
11 Horrors

Fast Attack
16 Flesh Hounds

Heavy Support
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch - Greater Reward, Grimoire, Wings, Armour, ML3

Aegis Defence Line

It's similar to what I've been running, but with a few important tweaks. I only have two troops, but I'm very much of the opinion that that's all I need. I can keep the pressure on and do some late game contesting, so I just need a couple campers. I do also have the portal to reinforce home objectives if need be.

The hounds have been beefed up too, and now hide out behind the ADL. I deploy it forwards and let them scout up behind it. If night fighting is in effect, then all the better, or if I get lucky and roll Mental Fortitude (so they can GtG behind it and then pop right up again). The inclusion of the ADL comes from being battered by first turn Eldar and Space Marine firepower recently... Gonna try it out for a while and see how I get on.

Thoughts are welcome as ever. Next time I promise to have (relevant) pictures ;)

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