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Flooding-Rain-Flooding, DIY Wall Shelf with Hooks

From Ktvb.com

After near record snows this winter, flooding came along. The local rivers has been rising steadily the last month. Thursday we had nearly 2" of rain in one day!!! It was mixed with snow, about 36 degrees. I had to get out my parka (and umbrella) for my work commute. That's a lot of water, which had to go somewhere. The Boise River is the main river in town. It is running at a near record high. We are fine in the part town we're in, but others aren't so lucky. Home owners near the river are shoring up their banks and the City/County is keeping a good eye on things. Salmon at a local hatchery had to be re-located as their facility may flood-

 I've seen lots of temporary "ponds" across town full of ducks and geese. Atleast they're enjoying it! The sun came out yesterday, around 55 and gorgeous clear blue skies. And new snow in the foothills. Today is partly cloudy and about 55, still cool. I'm very grateful that this hasn't really affected us. I watch the river rise daily as I drive to and from work. The irrigation ditches here are opening soon, so that should help the water level. Everything is certainly green, and tree/shrubs are budding. We just need things to dry out. Luckily it supposed to be pushing 70 degrees next week, but that may cause more flooding, sigh...

DIY Wall Shelf with Hooks-
Our front entryway is a high traffic area. A few years back I added a set of country wood hooks (thrifted) and a small shelf (also thrifted) under my favorite Pier One mirror-

I wanted something to hang my purse, winter work tote bag, hats and other things on. The shelf is for something seasonal-

It has worked pretty well. Now the hooks are sagging, shelf is getting loose and we need up upgrade. Dave has his new/used table saw, and is buying a mini-nail gun. I looked a lot for something online we could build and found this- Twopurplecouches.com (see photo at top). I loved the nice molding and silver nickel hooks. Dave will build it about the same width as the mirror. It will be sturdier and pretty simple. I will go for white paint as well. Looking forward to getting it completed soon! Dave is out shopping for lumber. It won't cost much, but we decided to go with new wood. I may turn the hooks into a herb drying rack somewhere, we'll see...  Stay tuned!!! See part 2 here- DIY Shelf Progress, then finished item here DIY Wall Shelf

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