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This may not look like a desk, but at the time of starting my blogpost
I didn’t have a desk to show as it was in bits and pushed to one
side while we rejigged the downstairs rooms.

This was once the office and now has been turned into a 
guest bedroom.  It’s all ready for the long awaited visit of my sister
who I haven’t seen for months.

See that wardrobe.  Well lovely as it is, it took two of us
three hours to build it.  As slapdash as I normally am, I’m
ace at self assembly furniture, even though there was a
million parts to it and an instruction book as thick as a novel.

Meanwhile back in the garden we are taking the ivy right back to
the drystone wall.  We’ve been in the house over 30 years and it
was well established then so it’s going to take some shifting.
The plan is to make a little sitting area to catch the morning sun.

Even though the day was beautiful, and the fall of snow we had
earlier disappeared as quickly as it came, it was blumming freezing.
So after an hour working in the garden we retreated back indoors
for a cuppa.

After some shuffling round of stuff for the charity shop and tip
I’ve got my desk set up again.  

I’m running up a cover for the garden bench cushion using a
vintage Horrocks bedsheet that I found in a charity shop ages ago.
There’s plenty left for my friend Val to make me a summer outfit.

Just before I go can I show you the twiddle mitt Jo made for a lovely
friend of mine.

You can read what Jo had to say about it here.

The days are getting brighter and lighter
and how lovely that we can now see our families and friends again.
Take care.


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