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Monsters of Fighting Fantasy: Caverns of the Snow Witch

 Caverns of the Snow Witch is the 9th in the Fighting Fantasy adventure game book series, written by Ian Livingstone and distinctively illustrated by Gary Ward and Edward Crosby. As the title suggests, the action takes place mostly in a cold mountainous environment, with quite a few cold-dwelling monsters. 

Banshee Ghoul 

NameBanshee Ghoul
Armor Class2
Hit Dice (Avg hp)10+10**
No Attacks2 claws/1 bite
No Enc1d4
Save asF`0
Size/TypeMedium Undead
Intelligence12 (very)
XP value2300
The Banshee Ghoul has similarities to the true Banshee (see the Companion Set), but is a different sort of undead. The banshee ghoul can be easily recognised by its single nostril and single sharp tooth. When first encountered a Banshee Ghoul will start wailing but won't attack immediately. Anyone within 60' hearing the wail must save vs spells or become overcome with fear and attempt to flee. This is also the banshee ghoul's cue to attack. Anyone attacked while under the influence of the banshee ghoul's fear can fight back but at -2 to hit and damage due to panic and fear-induced weakness. Although anyone affected can try to save vs spells every round, the banshee ghoul will continue wailing while in combat, requiring a new save for those currently unaffected by the fear.  Magical silence (such as a cleric's Silence 15' radius) is very effective at neutralising the banshee ghoul's wail. 
Banshee ghouls are immune to normal weapons (+1 or better magic weapons needed to hit) as well as the usual undead immunities (including poison, disease, death magic, Sleep & Charm spells). 
Banshee ghouls are believed to be created when an evil woman dies of grief or heartbreak though some particularly chaotic clerics may also know of spells to create them. 


Armor Class6
Hit Dice (Avg hp)4+4 (22hp)
Movement90’/Fly 180'
No Attacks4 claws 
No Enc3d8
Save asF5
AlignmentNeutral or Chaotic
Size/TypeMedium Humanoid
Intelligence12 (very)
XP value125
Bird-men dwell in mountains and steep hills and are omnivorous, feeding on animals, fruit, seeds and insects. Most tribes of bird-men leave other humanoids alone, and usually fly away if approached. But some tribes have become chaotic predatory man-eaters, hunting and killing lone travellers. If attacking, a birdman will try to dive from a distance of 60' onto their prey. This means they can only attack with their hind talons but they get +2 to hit and do double damage (2d6 per talon attack) in the first round as they slam into their prey. Furthermore, a successful dive attack will knock their opponent prone. 
Bird-men live in flocks of up to 24 strong and nest in groups on rocky outcrops and tops of cliffs. They have no serious need for treasure but like magpies they like shiny trinkets and will decorate their lairs with sparkling coins, jewelry and gems. A bird-man's hands are dextrous enough to use tools and they can construct simple things, but they eschew weapons, preferring their natural talons. 
In Mystara bird-men are found in the highest mountains of Brun, including the Altan Tepes and the Amsorak mountains though they are few and far between. 

Crystal Warrior 

NameCrystal Warrior
Armor Class3
Hit Dice (Avg hp)8* (36hp)
No Attacks1 weapon
No Enc1
Save asF4
Size/TypeLarge Construct
Intelligence1 (animal)
XP value1200
Crystal Warriors are constructs perhaps related to crystal living statues (from the Basic set). They appear as humanoids carved out of clear quartz and like golems and other constructs they are often left to guard areas of importance - although the crystal guardian will not have treasure of its own, it may well be left to guard the treasure of its creator. A crystal warrior will obey the orders of its creator, though this needs to be simple and clear as crystal warriors are not good at discretion or understanding the intent behind a command. 
Crystal warriors are formidable in combat, attacking with razor-sharp crystalline weapons. They are immune to sharp and pointed weapons such as swords, spears and axes - only blunt bludgeoning weapons such as hammers and maces can harm them. Even then the weapon must be of +2 or greater enchantment. Crystal warriors are immune to fire, acid and cold but are still vulnerable to lightning and electrical attacks. As a construct, a crystal warrior is immune to disease, poison, death magic and mind-affecting spells. They are also fearless and fight to the last unless specifically instructed to stop. 
The method of creating crystal warriors is not widely known, and is believed to have originated in Alphatia where an archmage created a squadron of them to guard his mansion and gardens. 

Ice Demon

NameIce Demon
Armor Class2
Hit Dice (Avg hp)14+4* (67hp)
Movement120’, fly 180'
No Attacks2 fists or breath
Damage2d6/2d6 + stun or 4d10 + paralysis
No Enc1
Save asF15
Size/TypeHuge Outsider
Intelligence15 (High)
XP value200
Ice demons are among the most powerful of lesser demons, and usually dwell in Noreesis Vale, a particularly frigid Plane of Chaos, though they sometimes deign to visit the Material Plane to lord over pathetic chaos-worshipping mortals. They are rivals with Fire Demons and the two will often attack each other on sight. 
In combat Ice Demons can punch opponents with their mighty fists. Anyone hit by an ice demon's fist must save vs paralysis or be stunned for 1d4 rounds from a combination of concussion and cold shock. Every other round an ice demon may use its breath weapon, a cone of cold that extends from the ice demon's mouth out to 30' and is 20' wide at the end. Anyone in that area must save vs dragon breath or suffer 4d10 cold damage and be paralysed by cold for 1d4 rounds. Ice demons have massive bat-like wings and can fly if necessary. 
Ice demons are immune to normal weapons and require +1 or better magic weapons to hit. They are also immune to poison, disease and cold damage. Ice demons speak Common and Demonic but can also communicate via telepathy with any intelligent being. 

Night Stalker

NameNight Stalker
Armor Class5
Hit Dice (Avg hp)6 (27hp)
No Attacks2 claws/1 bite 
No Enc1d8
Save asF6
Size/TypeMedium Humanoid
Intelligence10 (Average)
XP value275
Night stalkers are predatory humanoids that are particularly frightening and ghoulish. They prefer to operate in darkness, so are often found in dungeons and caverns, or else at night in borderland areas. They disguise themselves with robes and carry a lantern and from a distance appear to be human - this is part of the night stalker's ruse to lure prey close. Once a humanoid comes close enough the night stalker throws back the hood on its robe to reveal its hideous face - any humanoid in 10' must save vs Spells or be stunned for 1d4 rounds during which the night stalker will attack and try to kill its prey before it can defend itself or flee. 

Tusked Yeti

NameTusked Yeti
Armor Class6
Hit Dice (Avg hp)10+10* (55hp)
No Attacks2 claws/1 bite 
No Enc1d8
Save asF5
Size/TypeLarge magical beast
Intelligence3-4 (semi-)
XP value900
Tusked yeti are arctic predators, with features of ape and bear all rolled into one body with shaggy white fur. They are capable ambushers and will sometimes burrow under the snow, bursting out when unsuspecting prey wanders by, surprising most creatures on 1-4 on d6. 
Tusked yeti are immune to all cold damage. 
They are sometimes found as pets of either frost giants or white dragons and are known to inhabit the wilder parts of Norwold. .

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