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Looks like Mitt's got himself a running mate

Looks like Mitt's got himself a running mate

by digby

Mitt's gaffe really is funny and it's also the kind of thing that can dog a candidate. Coming from somebody like Bush, who was known for speaking gibberish on the campaign trail, it would quickly join the list of "stupid stuff Bush says." But Romney isn't that kind of candidate. Everything about him screams privilege and wealth and elitism and his only answer to that is to portray himself as a super-competent businessman --- which means that when he claims that corporations are people, he comes across as the guy on the Monopoly money.

I don't know how much the Supreme Court's "corporations are people" rulings have penetrated the national consciousness but to the extent they have, I doubt that people like it very much. And it's the rare issue that cuts against the GOP because of its philosophical complexity --- a good thing for Democrats if they relentlessly exploit it. Most of the time it's the Dems who have to tie themselves into pretzels trying to explain their positions while the GOP goes for the gut.

The problem, of course, is that most Democrats may not think corporations are people but they do see them as their constituents so it gets murky. Still, this could be Mitt's Macaca Moment if it's handled right.


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