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Leaving London

Our holiday began with a taxi journey through sunny London. This is a newsagent at Elephant and Castle-nothing special about it apart from its ordinariness, which is what I like to look at when I go to other places-the little things. Also I love the name Elephant and Castle. So magical for such an inner city type of place.
One of my favourite things, a noble statue of a lion, looking good against the blue and white sky.
                                                                     Bridge crossing.
 Bye bye Westminster.
 Bye bye Your Majesty.
 Hello Paddington, where we caught the Heathrow Express.
 After the usual airport fiddling around, our metal bird awaits. We were on our way to Seattle, and then to Bellingham, home of the lovely Linda Sue!
 I had a window seat on the way, but could mainly see wing. At least I could check that it was not falling off. I have not been on such a long flight before, and was interested in the way they create a false kind of day for you-food, lights off, shutters closed, lights on, tea, there! I watched two films-'Stoker'-a disturbing and nasty film, and 'Robot and Frank', a sweet and strange film which I liked much better.

 The best bit was the wine and the coffee. 
This was the afternoon tea we were given shortly before we arrived. Quite tasty! I appreciated the effort they had gone to to make it look like a picnic.
Mmm, clotted arteries cream!

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