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Feature & Follow Friday -- Summer Reading

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow
It's almost the weekend. And for me, it's almost summer. The last few days of school are always crazy. Slow in the library -- but I end up running around the halls all day tracking down student that still have books checked out!

Here's an appropriate question from Alison and Parajunkee:

Q: School is out! What is your favorite Summer Reading book?

I don't have a "favorite," I just have a VERY long list of books that I want to read. Some, I've pulled off the shelves of the library, some are ARCs that I can't wait to read! I have a stack of 7 books behind my desk now, and my assistant asked me, "Is that what you are going to read this summer?" And I replied, "That's what I'm going to read the first TWO WEEKS of summer."

Here are the seven books:

The Scorpio Races
The Crown of Embers
The Madman's Daughter

Tomorrow I'm posting in my Stacking the Shelves the three ARCs that I got that I'm really excited about. (They are all second or third books in series that I'm involved in!)

So, that's just a start, but I have a huge reading list (actually a couple of them) that I hope to put a big dent in!

How about you? What's on your summer list of reads? Leave me a link!

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