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Command Cadre of the 2/28e Légère

I've made the first significant progress with the second battalion of light infantry I've been working on.  

However, a few changes were necessary.  The original plan was to model the 1/6e Légère, under the recently-painted Major Guillaume Vendredi du Bonton.  

However,  I discovered first that the horse really wouldn't fit on the bases I had to hand, and secondly that I actually didn't have a first battalion flag.  I think I will simply promote the good major to a brigade commander at some point in the future, as I really like the horse and think he deserves a base of his own.  

So, I used a second battalion flag for the standard bearer, and the long-since finished (but hitherto unemployed) Hippolyte-Garçon de Vallée  suddenly found himself commissioned Chef-de-Bataillon of what will now be the 2/28e Regt. Légère
I won't work on the base yet, as I prefer to do that once the rest of the battalion ready to go.   
The rest of the battalion is still being worked on, but I find that the having the first stand ready to go feels a step in the right direction, and does make me more motivated to get their comrades all done.

A tip of the shako to Henry Hyde and Neil Shuck, as one of the reasons I've made the progress I have so far was that I remained task-focused to the accompaniment of past episodes of their conversation on all things wargaming in Neil's production View from the Veranda. Thanks, gents!

Finally, I have made a start on my new Front Rank Wurttembergers as one of the tasks I set myself for the la Bricole painting competition.  These are seriously nice miniatures, and should paint up both quickly and beautifully.

I'm pleased to say that I'm really getting a lot of pleasure out of my hobby recently.  Looking forward to another game, hopefully on the 21st depending on everyone's schedule.

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