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An Infographic to Tell You What You Didn't know about Some Baseball Fans

I found this infographic to be both hilarious and disturbing at the same time.  See it below.  For a more detailed view, go here.

A personalization firm called Gravity created an infographic that compares the interest graphs (an online representation of the specific things in which an individual is interested) of Dodgers, Giants, Red Sox and Yankees fans. It provides some interesting results.  See their write up here, as well as, a much more legible pic.

Some of the things I learned is:
  • We apparently love Kate Upton, and NASCAR.  
  • Dodger fans love the movie Twilight.  I know that sounds bad, but check this out.  Giants fans love Justin Bieber.  Ha!!  And get this, Red Sox fans are absolutely obsessed with My Little Pony.  
  • Here is something else that cracks me up, Giants fans love illegal drugs and thievery, but abhor adult entertainment; such as exotic dancers. 
Below is the Infographic.
(see larger view here)

* Please follow on twitter @ernestreyes *
* Dodgers Blue Heaven home page *

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