Today at work:
1) We potted on some rosemary cuttings. I almost forgot what I was writing there, which is ironic, given rosemary is the herb of remembrance. During this activity, one of the gang presented me with a worm. We called it ‘George’ and released it into the wild. It shall henceforth be known as ‘Wild George.’
2) We de-stoned some damsons which had been languishing in the freezer for months. It was a messy job. And it certainly did not look like we had done murder unto someone when we had finished.
3) We washed out a load of pots and trays in preparation for the new gardening season. This is provided the zombie apocalypse doesn’t occur ‘twixt now and April. If it does, I shall be bloody annoyed, because washing out pots and trays is my least favourite of all gardening jobs. I might have strong words to say to the zombies who may, in turn, regret their decision to start their apocalypse. Stupid zombies.
4) We dug up celeriac. I do not like celeriac. It looks too weird for words, it’s a faff to grow and it tastes vile. You will NEVER hear me bemoaning a celeriac shortage. You will NEVER find a celeriac stock pile chez Damson Cottage. I shall NEVER panic buy celeriac.
5) We made cake for the afternoon rambling group. That was good. Always enjoy making cake. My only regret about making cake at work is that it is not the done thing to clean out the bowl of cake mix leftover with one’s finger as one might do at home. Apparently, it is unhygienic in a public setting. Waste of good cake mix, if you ask me.
6) We shifted a load of compost from Bay 4 Compost Bin, to Bay 2 Compost Bin. No idea why, but it was on the list of ‘To Do’ and it kept the lads busy with wheelbarrows and spades for half an hour.
And finally...
7) We spread out around the willow arch in the garden and we did the Hokey Cokey.
Because that’s what it’s all about.
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