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Stoodley Pike

 a poem

Stoodley Pike

Look, it says,
pointing up into the sky
as if trying
to show me something

but there's nothing there
except the clouds
(unless it's nothing
I'm supposed to look at).

I can walk round it
even climb up inside it
in the darkness dark as
the stone it's made of
but that's all

did anyone say
there is no need for this
just give the bones
a decent burial

but don't forget
comes at a price

Stoodley Pike is a 1,300ft hill in West Yorkshire. The name is commonly given, too, to the Stoodley Pike Monument, an obelisk erected at the summit to commemorate the surrender of Paris in 1814. It was completed after the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. 

According to contemporary accounts, the bones of many who died in the Napoleonic wars were ground down to make fertiliser.

© Carruthers, 2021

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