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A Cornucopia of Emotions

So many things I am feeling right now.

Yesterday brought the sun,
The heat and the mugginess of summer.
Today brought the June rains
And the coldness of early spring.
Something doesn't seem right here.

I check my younger students' papers
And revel at how well they're doing.
I check my older students' papers
And grit my teeth at how well they're NOT doing.
Something's not quite right here.

On Wednesday I watched my daughter's class.
How mature and well-behaved her classmates were!
On Tuesday my daughter was sobbing in her room.
How immature and rotten her classmates had been!
Something's not right here.

The liberals tried to lower taxes,
But the conservatives raised them instead.
The liberal Upper House called the PM incompetent,
But the conservative Lower House supported him instead.
Something's definitely not right here.

Two years later,
This boy still does nothing
But stare blankly or sigh with disgust.
His homeroom teacher tells me
That I need do nothing
But ignore him, go on as I must.
Something is wrong here.

It took more than eight years
For the price of oil to double.
Now they say it'll take a couple of months
For it to double again.
Something is most definitely wrong here.

Akihabara Electric City,
A high-tech paradise
For the intelligent and maladjusted,
Now a scene of needless slaughter,
An immature rampage
By someone intelligent and maladjusted.
Something's seriously wrong here.

I take my tea strong
And my coffee stronger;
They hardly affect me at all,
But this single No-Doze,
A mere half a dose,
Has me bouncing all over the hall.
Just what the heck is wrong here?!??

...is it me?

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