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A belated birthday present.

It's arrived at last after quite a lengthy publishing delay, but is well worth the wait. I've been an admirer of Jan Messent's work since I discovered it nearly 30years ago. This book is a mine of information about these early times and it is obvious that Jan has done an enormous amount of research.
She has used her fabric, mixed-media and altered books to record many experiments and findings, but there is a great deal more to this publication than making books. It's full of other delights as well though I feel inspired to make another book myself.
I should of course be doing more on my allotment piece, but work has slowed right down as I seem to have fallen prey to raging hayfever. I wondered why my cold symptoms kept coming back! I have never suffered from hayfever though have been aware of being a bit 'sniffy' now and then during the summer. This has taken all my energy and I have lost my voice! It's very peaceful in our house!! I have a stuffy head, watering eyes, sore nose and a hacking cough and as long as I don't do anything I feel OK . At present I could maybe sing baritone or counter tenor all in one line of music!!
I am having a week off next week and am going to Glastonbury with our youngest daughter, so must be fit by then. We are planning to walk up the Tor and I don't want her to have to carry me! I have masses of gardening jobs to do as well, as we are having the pond enlarged and many plants will have to be moved. Oh well! I'll do what I can and the rest will have to wait.

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