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Mother's Day and National Action Against Obesity Urges Mothers to End Child Obesity Epidemic

Mother's Day and National Action Against Obesity Urges Mothers to End Child Obesity Epidemic

NAAO President MeMe Roth Puts Women and Mothers at Epicenter of U. S. Obesity Crisis and Offers Top 10 List to Cut Child Obesity

New York, NY (PRWEB) May 11, 2007

With 30% of America's children at risk for obesity and diet-related diabetes; with two-thirds of their parents already overweight and 50% of women of child-bearing age overweight; National Action Against Obesity calls upon mothers to take charge of America's Child Obesity Crisis (www. actionagainstobesity. com).

"Studies show that if there's a woman in the household, she's making more than 90% of the food-buying decisions--whether that's suggesting what to eat, writing a grocery list, or actually buying the food," said National Action Against Obesity President MeMe Roth. "It's Mother's Day and, Moms, you're in charge. This obesity epidemic is over when you say it's over."

Top 10 Ways to Cut Obesity By 50% and Avert the Next French Fry Generation:

(from the forthcoming "NAAO Obesity Action Plan to Cut Obesity By 50%")

1-Do Not Become a Parent Until or Unless Your Own Body is Healthy;

2-Breastfeed Your Child Exclusively for 6 Months;

3-Introduce Your Child to Fresh Veggies Early and Over and Over;

4-Make "Treat" Mean Fresh Fruit or Something "To Do" Not "To Eat;"

5-Never Give Your Child Soda. Not Once. Not Ever. Never;

6-Teach Your Child to Drink Only Water or Skim Milk;

7-Don't Use Food as a Bribe, Reward or the Focus of Any Event;

8-Hook Your Child on Whole Food Not Junk Food: No Chemicals, No Trans Fat, No High Fructose Corn Syrup, No Artificial Flavors or Colors, No MSG, No Antibiotics, No Synthetic Hormones, No Nitrates/Nitrites, No Acrylamides (http://www. newstarget. com/acrylamide. html). Yes Whole Grains. Yes Lean Protein. Yes Fresh Fruit. Yes Fresh Veggies;

9-Don't Order Off the Kiddie Menu--It's All Fried w/ a Fried Side of Fried; and

10-Don't Eat Like Your Friends. Instead, Make Nutrition Your Family's New Normal.

Bonus: Ensure Your Child Plays/Exercises/Moves Vigorously 1-Hour Everyday.

"Your child's body has to eat real food. Your child's body has to exercise at least an hour every day," continued Roth. "Your child cannot grow, realize his full potential or reach his highest IQ if he is not provided adequate exercise and appropriate nutrition."

(If this isn't happening at your child's school in the cafeteria and on the playground, demand that it be so. Check here for what to say and what to do: ProjectLean (http://www. californiaprojectlean. org/), ChefAnn (http://www. chefann. com), Two Angry Moms (http://www. angrymoms. org).)

About NAAO

Look for upcoming "NAAO Obesity Action Plan" to Cut Obesity by 50%--An Absolutely Achievable, Uncomplicated, Step-By-Step, How-To Guide for all of Us Through education, legislation, and most importantly--parental action--National Action Against Obesity works independently and as a consultancy to reverse the obesity epidemic by eliminating 'fake foods' from the food supply, barring junk food from schools and eradicating Secondhand Obesity™, while encouraging exercise across all ages. MeMe Roth, president and founder of NAAO, is host and organizer of the Wedding Gown Challenge, where women enter into marriage at a healthy weight and maintain it for a lifetime. Ms. Roth has been featured on CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews' The O'Reilly Factor, Your World with Neil Cavuto, CBS's The Early Show, The New York Times, The LA Times, BusinessWeek, The New York Post, Playboy Magazine, 106.7 LiteFM, School Administrator, American School Board Journal, BigFatBlog, Nippon TV, The Associated Press and Health Magazine among others. Ms. Roth's agenda: "Let's finally recognize obesity as abuse--abuse of our children, abuse of ourselves--and together take action against it."

Www. actionagainstobesity. com


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