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NEW ARTIST: Lil' Nas X "Old Town Road" [REMIX] Feat. Billy Ray Cyrus!

New Artist Lil' Nas X just released his new "Old Town Road" [REMIX] track featuring the legendary country singer Billy Ray Cyrus!   The original single titled:  "Old Town Road (I Got The Horses In The Back)" dropped on Dec. 3, 2018!  The single initially & instantly became a viral HIT after the rapper posted it to social media app 'TickTock!'

The country-rap track initially skyrocketed to #1 on Billboard's Hot Country Songs chart but was then snatched off  back in late March 2019!  The song was apparently not up par in 'some way', most likely racially motivated and hate-filled.  Billboard has yet to released a coherent statement to respond to this glaring issue!  The jury is still out on that one - TBC'd!

Nevertheless,  the song currently sits at #1 on the Billboard's Hot 100 chart! 

COUNTRY RAP TRACK: Lil' Nas X "Old Town Road" [REMIX] Feat. Billy Ray Cyrus!

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