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Bruce Weber Directs Simon Nessman for Giorgio Armani’s Acqua di Giò Essenza Short Film

 Intense Fresh­ness–Back in 1996, Ital­ian designer Gior­gio Armani cre­ated a mas­cu­line fra­grance, named Acqua di Giò, that instantly became a hit world­wide. Six­teen years later, the evoca­tive island of Pan­tel­le­ria, Sicily, is once again the main inspi­ra­tion behind Acqua di Giò Essenza, the lat­est inter­pre­ta­tion of Acqua di Giò. The power of the sea and the clear blue sky of the Sicil­ian island inspired the designer to cre­ate this sen­su­ous and intense eau de par­fum, and to trans­late into images these inspi­ra­tions, pho­tog­ra­pher Bruce Weber cap­tured and directed Ford Europe model Simon Ness­man in a styl­ish black & white cam­paign. Cap­tured in a lonely and unpol­luted beach, the Cana­dian model plays the role of a con­tem­po­rary Apollo, deliv­er­ing intense close-​​ups and vir­ile poses, that per­fectly fit with the con­cept of this new eau de par­fum. /​ For more infor­ma­tion, visit http://www.armanibeauty.com/ Courtesy of - thefashionisto.com

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