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Manicure Monday - Scratch Reverie Wraps with Gold Foil Accents

Happy Manicure Monday! This whole month, the #CBBxManiMonday group is all doing our nails based on the theme "Nails We Wouldn't Normally Do"! 

Manicure Monday - Scratch Reverie Wraps with Gold Foil Accents

So, these look very similar to nails that I would do; but, I definitely added some techniques that I don't normally do! 

So, the first thing I don't normally every do is negative space nails - I think I've done it twice ever, and to be totally honest, I'm not the biggest fan of my nails peeking through! And then, I added nail foils which I've never done before! (I think I'm years behind trying this!)

Manicure Monday - Scratch Reverie Wraps with Gold Foil Accents

First, here's a look at the Scratch wraps I used! These are the Reverie style from the October Monthly Mani Kit, and they add the perfect amount of negative space - I don't think I could handle much more of my nail showing through! I've raved about these wraps before; they are by far my favorite nail wraps! 

While these wraps are pretty, I did think they needed a little pizzazz - so that's when I thought I'd finally use a product that has been in my collection for years untouched - foil! 

Manicure Monday - Scratch Reverie Wraps with Gold Foil Accents

To complete this look, the products I used are:
-Scratch Reverie wraps (or a little negative space brush stroke mani)
-Ciate Foil Fix - glue and gold foil 
-Essie Gel Couture Top Coat

Manicure Monday - Scratch Reverie Wraps with Gold Foil Accents

So, these foils really have sat around for years in my collection, really because I wasn't sure how to use them! So, I just decided to wing it! Staring with my base nail, I haphazardly applied the Foil Fix glue and let it dry down to clear, then apply the back of the foil colour you want on the nail and tap away. Then lift up the foil and apply until you like the amount! Then, finish everything off with a top coat! 

Manicure Monday - Scratch Reverie Wraps with Gold Foil Accents

I love the finish the gold foil gives, and I think it was the perfect touch to these wraps! 

Manicure Monday - Scratch Reverie Wraps with Gold Foil Accents

This is so fun this month doing nails we wouldn't normally do - I love the idea of trying something different! So, make sure you check out Cosmetic Proof, Prairie Beauty Love, and Tea & Nail Polish to see more "Nails We Wouldn't Normally Do"! 

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