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This study will perfect your herpesvirus read or miss out.

Herpes virus can be very annoying and may return more than once to infect the same person, is there any way to get rid of this virus once and for all? The details are here.

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Herpes zoster virus

What is herpes virus?

The term herpes refers to those painful and cystic ulcers on the lips or on the genitals and buttocks, which are common ulcers caused by viruses.

What do experts advise when lip herpes appears?

Wash hands thoroughly

According to women's health, people with oral herpes should wash your hands thoroughly and use towels and cutlery separate from others. You should also stay away from kissing others, especially babies.


Health line recommends snow to relieve pimple inflammation by placing a bag of ice on pimples or wrapping pieces of ice in a clean towel and using it.

A medical survey conducted in the united states revealed that more than 90% of adults up to the age of 50 were exposed to types of herpes virus that cause the disease.

"herpes" is a family name of eight viruses, two of which are responsible for the ulcers mentioned above, and the other may lead to other diseases, such as:


Chickenpox (varicella, chickenpox).

Rash in infants.

Even some cancers.

How does lip herpes move?

Lip herpes is often caused by herpes virus type 1, which is transmitted online, such as kissing or using unwashed eating utensils for a person with active lip ulcers.

It is worth noting here that receiving infection from someone who does not have a rash or ulcers is less likely, but it is possible.

What about genital herpes?

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (including oral sex) with a person who has ulcers in the genital area or mouth, and is mainly caused by herpes type 2 (as herpes type 1 may be the cause).

Zinc ointments or lemon balm help dry pimples faster, says mainz health, but it's important to put these ointments with the first signs of herpes to be effective and repainted every two hours. According to webmd, the fastest treatment methods are antiviral drugs, which must also be taken before the first pimples appear.

In the case of genital herpes, the likelihood of transmission from a person who does not have a rash or blister is low but possible.

Pregnant women suffering from an outbreak of genital herpes may transmit infection to the newborn at birth, and there are also cases of infection during pregnancy.

Complications of herpes

Herpes can affect the eyes, causing blindness and contamination of other skin surfaces such as fingers, face, chest and hands.

Serious complications of herpes infection may also include such things as encephalitis called encephalitis, and meningitis.

In children, encephalitis may occur as an expression of primary hiv infection, as well as when outbreaks of the virus (usually in adults) are repeated.

Mainz health recommends using tea tree oil to prevent the proliferation of viruses. It is recommended to use a piece of cotton to put oil on pimples so that it is not touched by the hand that can infect other parts of the body or other individuals.

Is it possible to get rid of herpes?

Herpes is a long-term disease, where the herpes virus remains idle in the body and in our nervous system, wakes up at a certain time and leads to the appearance of these painful ulcers.

There is no cure to completely eliminate the virus and whoever infected it once usually stays with it forever, but that doesn't mean ulcers appear at a great pace.

Cases that lead to an outbreak of herpes include:


Severe fever.


Weakened immune system.

Most herpes patients do not know that they are infected due to lack of symptoms or because the existing symptoms are very mild, as it is important to remember that these viruses are highly contagious and are easily transmitted online.

Symptoms of infection

Herpes virus may appear in stages as follows:

1. First appearance

Here, painful cystic ulcers appear around the mouth, or in the genital area and anus with or without burning when urinating, and in women - vaginal discharge, about a week after the infection.

Other symptoms such as weakness and severe fever may sometimes appear, and some people do not suffer from these symptoms even years after the infection.

2. Frequent outbreaks of the disease

After the first signs are gone, there may be more outbreaks of the disease, which are usually less severe and painful than the first time, and their frequency gradually decreases over time.

Sometimes there is a feeling of tingling in the lips or in the genitals appears a few days before the appearance of ulcers, generally it can be said that genital herpes type 1 is less severe and less frequent than herpes type 2 in the genital area.

Diagnosis of herpes virus;

Your doctor can diagnose a characteristic reddish rash with many pimples or visible sores, especially in the area of the mouth and genitals or in any other area of the surface of the body.

Your doctor may also take a swab of sores and send them to the laboratory where the disease is diagnosed, and the diagnosis can also be obtained by doing a blood test, but in this examination the recent infection may not be detected.

Herpes virus treatment:

There are several treatment options to fight herpes, the most important of which are:

1- supportive therapy

Pain caused by herpes virus infection can be treated using simple analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen over-the-counter, and cold compresses are applied to painful ulcers.

According to healthline, putting sunscreen on the lips every day may prevent herpes in this area. The site recommends products with a protective factor (spf) of more than 30 and to avoid the sun as much as possible when you have lip herpes.

In the case of genital herpes, avoid wearing very tight clothing in the pubic area, and it is also possible to paint the painful area with a greasy cream such as vaseline (be sure to wash your hands).

2- lip herpes treatment

Avoid kisses, and avoid sharing common food and drink items without washing them after use.

Stress is one of the factors that stimulates the onset of oral herpes, and most people suffer from it. Experts recommend dealing with stress in a number of ways, including exercising or meditating and talking to friends or parents about the causes, according to healthline. The md website also recommends deep breathing exercises to calm the nerves.

3. Treatment of genital herpes

It is very important to refrain from sexual activity until the rash is completely removed, tell your partner about your hiv infection.

According to the md web site, several studies have shown the benefit of vitamin c and e in the fight against oral herpes. Vitamin c is resistant to the herpes virus, while vitamin e helps heal pimples faster.

4- pharmacotherapy

There is no cure for herpes, but acyclovir ("zoviraks") prevents the herpes virus from multiplying and causing more pimples, and practically shortens the onset and severity of symptoms, usually the stage of infection.

But even after drug therapy, the virus may spread again, and acyclovir ointment can be purchased without a prescription.

In general, deutsche apotheker zeitung advises a doctor if the pimples do not heal after 10 days or if herpes is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever and a feeling of fatigue.

People who are exposed to outbreaks at intervals are prescribed by the doctor only when tingling or rash appears, then it is also preferable to take precautions against the outbreak of infection and fat ointment.

People with frequent outbreaks of the disease may be asked by a doctor to take medication daily to prevent an outbreak.

In the presence of lesions, antiviral drugs are prescribed to relieve discomfort and decrease the duration of symptoms.

Treatment is most effective when started early. For people who have frequent crises, in addition to care in relation to precipitating factors, medications can be used to reduce the number of outbreaks.

Consult a dermatologist!

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