Hair thinning comes as a rude shock to many and can even trigger depression because losing hair cannot be easy on one’s confidence. In this post, we will address hair thinning and delve into essential oils that can stop hair thinning. It has been revealed through various studies that essential oils have had positive results in significantly reducing thinning of hair. Therefore, we have decided to talk about the various types and benefits of essential oils in preventing the thinning of our hair. So, let us find out what these oils are:
1. Rosemary oil: Perhaps one of the most commonly known of all essential oils available in the market, rosemary oil is great for hair. It is widely used in a variety of skincare products and is known to be rather effective in treating lice, greasy hair, and dandruff as well as promoting hair growth. As such, rosemary oil is obvious to make the cut to the list at the very beginning.
2. Roman chamomile: This is a bit behind the bush when it comes to popular use, especially in India, but it is no lurker in some other parts of the world – where it is treated as a veritable “Shah Rukh Khan” of essential oils. Although it shot to prominence on account of its calming effects and in addressing gastric issues, it is noted for its positive effects in combating thinning of hair. It is best for use against hair thinning caused by psychological stress and anxiety.
3. Lavender Oil: Perhaps the most commonly used essential oil, it has a plethora of skin and hair benefits. It has a soothing and calming effect on scalp irritation. It is reported to have positive effects in treating alopecia and bald patches with practically zero side effects.
4. Cedarwood Oil: It is an essential oil that has shown positive effect in treating premature hair loss. It too is effective against itchy scalp, dandruff, oily hair and of course, hair loss/thinning. This oil goes well too with other essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, etc.
5. Peppermint Oil: Please welcome the lesser known, almost wild card entry candidate – Peppermint oil. But it would be surprising to only those who are not aware of what recent studies and decades of recorded user experience would have to say about it. Peppermint oil is widely popular for its potential to combat digestive/gastric issues as well as stimulating the mind of users – it has shown credible evidence that it is potent to wrestle with the issue of thinning of hair. So, peppermint oil deserves to be on the list.
6. Geranium Oil: Although not as popular as the ones that have featured in our list so far, geranium is actually quite a potent remedy to combat thinning of hair. This is essentially a regenerating essential oil that is noted to have boosted hair growth and thereby reduce hair thinning. And on account of its anti – inflammatory properties, geranium is suitable for use on practically every skin type with almost zero side effects.
7. Clary Sage: Another essential oil that has recently been doing the rounds in the popular circles is clary sage. It is a growth stimulant. As such, clary sage is known to have exhibited recorded evidence of promoting hair growth while at the same time; it is effectual in reducing loss of hair. No doubt, clary sage deserves a spot, and more than an honorable mention, in the list.
8. Thyme oil: Although it features last in our list of essential oils that helps with thinning of hair, it is, by no means, the least. It has shown to improve blood circulation on the scalp when gently massaged into the scalp. It is also noted to fend off air pollution and dirt from the hair and protect it from dandruff. Maybe the sole justification that we might give for it to feature at the bottom of the list is that thyme oil is more popular as a hair growth promoter than as a retardant to hair thinning.
Well dear reader, I sincerely hope that you found our modest Endeavour to enlist certain essential oils to retard hair thinning informative and useful. Please leave your thoughts on this article as well as your ideas and queries in the comments section below. And as always, stay pretty and healthy.
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