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THE KNITTING PROJECT : I finished more borders!

 Expect a lot more updates on knitting in the next few weeks.

I say this because its getting close to the finishing date and I'm flying through the knitting.  Since I last posted, you can see the new borders. I finished the borders for the middle pieces and I am now getting close to finishing the first super long outside border!

I have nine to go.

I also have one panel with a mistake in it that I have to correct. The wool shrank to a tiny size and I am left with one that is really really short. So I have to unpick it and add to the length. Easier said then done!

There is only one and a half borders on this side to go. What you cannot see from this photo is that when you flip the blanket, it has different colored panels on the same side. There are two of these! So I am making completely different borders for the other side too. So nine to go and a mistake to correct in four weeks. Can it be done?

I think so!

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