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Full sculpted gels; custom white glitz; reflector silver big dot glitz and nothing but the big boy swarovski crystals gels; glitz gels acrylic paint-Bridal Nail Art Design

WOOHOO I AM DONE!!! Completed 10 services today and I am DONE!!!

This has been a cray cray last few weeks building up to Xmas. I have met some beautiful new clients and I treasure my faithful regulars. The laughs, the convo's, the hugs and some teary moments have been shared across my desk and no matter what, my motto remains "what's goes on in the Lady Cave, stays in the Lady Cave".

This is my chance to thank all you beautiful patrons whom have come through my door; The Good, The Bad and The Downright Ugly (LOL), have all played an instrumental role in shaping 'Needy Nails Taupo'.

Whether you like my 'style' or not, this is who I am; I will share, I will empathise, but I will not compromise what should never be compromised - your nail health, your well-being and your trust in coming into my home and being treated with dignity and respect. All I have ever asked in return is that You respect my home; my husband and my dog - WHY - because above all else, this is their HOME!
I pride myself on my hospitality. I would be eternally ashamed, should any of you, not have felt at ease in my home. I am grateful for the moments I have shared with you all. I am very Blessed indeed!!!

My heart is full, my mind is calming because I believe I have given the best I have had to offer my clients throughout the Year. I have made some unstained friendships; have put a couple of ladies offside because I refuse to adhere to bullshit and at the end of the Day.... SURVIVED!

Straight up! I had plans for Xmas and New Year, however, the best laid plans, never always come to fruition. I now have a third male sharing my homespace (my 17yr old great moko). Bring it on boys, another male doesn't change the ME that still runs rings around you all... hehehheeee (oh I can keep dreaming)!
I am a hard task master because I believe you get NOTHING for NOTHING; head down ass up builds your character; no one likes hearing Nanny's moaning mouth but their love I treasure because they are MINE. Xmas is once again sharing it with my loved ones; the days that follow thereafter, are in the hands of 'spontaneity'.

On that closing note - Merry Xmas One and All. May the Spirit of our Saviour be upon you all with Peace and Harmony.
May 2014 bring good health, family unity and loving prosperity.

In the words of my daddy "You may only be one person in the World, but you may also be the World to one person".

Piki te ora kaha, piki te maramatanga, kia tau te rangimarie.
Tautoko, Ae.

Today's final ladies for Xmas Eve were: Rosemarie (tomorrow's bride) and Justine (introducing her new Fiancee to her family tomorrow).
Full sculpted gels; custom white glitz; reflector silver big dot glitz and nothing but the big boy swarovski crystals gels; glitz gels acrylic paint bridal nail art design
Rosemarie: before and after shots of her 'bridal nails'.
Full sculpted gels; custom white glitz; reflector silver big dot glitz and nothing but the big boy swarovski crystals.

Xmas design sculpted gels; glitz gels pink white acrylic paint nail art design
Justine: congrats and best wishes for the family intro tomorrow.
The classic Pink and White sculpted gel nails
Merry Xmas ladies - thank you both for completing this day (o;

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