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Accessorize Aztec Swatch

I'm feeling very sorry for myself at the moment. On top of a nasty cold, I managed to put my back out this weekend. Cue lots of lying around on the floor, moaning like an old lady when trying to stand, and no longer being allowed to bend/lift/drive! Worst thing about this; not even a cool, hilarious story to explain how it happened. No, "oh yeah, so I was skiing down this mountain and I took a tumble", no "well, I was practising my Olympic gymnastic routine and hurt myself" line. Just this; at some point on Saturday I stood up and realised that doing so was blooming agony! I feel as if I have aged 60 years in a weekend. Thank goodness for my wonderful bf, who has cooked for me, topped up Bertie (my hot water bottle) and generally just been awesome. 

As bending over to do my nails is very painful, it may be a few days until there are more nail posts. Thankfully, I'd done these nails before the incident occurred, so I at least have something to show you. On a recent Superdrug haul I'd picked up a couple of NYC polishes. I used the purple to begin with, and although I kind of liked the colour (very Quality Street-esque) it went on badly. It took a long time to dry, especially considering it's supposed to dry in a minute, and bubbled badly. But then I realised it would be an ideal undercolour for Accessorize Aztec, a petrol-ly sorta colour. 

I love this, and I'm pleased the photos showed the greeny-purply-bluey-goldy glitterly colour. Aztec isn't great on it's own, so I'm pleased that it can be saved with a base colour. I'm also pleased it looks good, s it's going to be on my nails until I can retrieve my polish remover from the floor. Have a good weekend peeps. 

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