Neha Kakkar, Himesh Reshammiya, and Vishal Dadlani are trying to find the best singing talent in the country with Indian Idol 2020. The 12th season has left its audiences impressed so far and the judges are surely seen having their fun moments on the sets. The trio was recently spotted shooting for the upcoming promo and were happily being their goofy selves.
In the video that Neha Kakkar posted, Himesh Reshammiya’s hand accidentally hits her while he’s trying to make a small jump. The famous ‘Oh No’ track is used as the background music and the singers can’t help but laugh out loud at the situation. Neha Kakkar posted it with the caption, “This has to be The Funniest yet The Cutest Video of Ours!!!! ???????????????? @realhimesh @vishaldadlani @sonytvofficial @thecontentteamofficial @fremantleindia ???? #IndianIdol12 #ReelItFeelIt”.
Take a look at the video.
Earlier today, Neha Kakkar announced her pregnancy with husband Rohanpreet Singh.
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