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  • Socratic
    May 2, 07:37 PM
    Every time I see a blood drive my blood just boils... As an HIV negative gay man who is in a monogamous committed long term relationship with my partner, I doubt I am any more of a risk then any other heterosexual couple in a relationship, yet they don't see it that way....

    Their loss..

    I doubt you are either. I'm ineligible because I spent a week in Africa 6 months ago. I didn't sleep with anyone, and just spent all my time in an office doing economics research. The thing is, it's about getting as much blood as possible for the lowest cost (the cost comes in screening), and that is done by eliminating people in broad strokes, rather than on a case by case basis. Don't take it personally.

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  • Aperture
    Oct 22, 12:48 PM
    Nice work. One thing, I would change the Mac OS X designed Apple Logo to just a black one, like they use in commercials. Maybe redesign the slide with all the info too.

    Hope this helps.


    <edit> Now I'm a 6502! :) </edit>

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  • Daark
    Jun 22, 10:41 AM
    Thinking about it, was debating MeadowHell but have a feeling that'll probably be the worst one to try. The one on Division Street may be worth a shout tho

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  • /UserName
    Apr 16, 06:40 PM
    Is there a way to go back to a configuration of a few days ago? My cousin has been messing around with my computer and I want to put it all back the way it was. (I have never used the time machine on this computer so I don't think that will help)


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  • njmac
    Oct 31, 06:53 PM
    I saw it at digg.com (http://www.digg.com/index/page2) too.

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  • kretzy
    Dec 23, 06:42 AM
    That's great!...a summary of Windows in one little avartar!:p


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  • Lifequest
    Apr 29, 07:16 AM
    Apple should really diversify their suppliers anyway, which is what they look like they are doing. Cut Samsung supply by 50%, and threaten all of it if they don't get their act together. Surely Samsung doesn't think that that they can bring in this kind of revenue on their own merit. Outside of LCD televisions, Samsung has an image problem, and even that has only improved in the last few years.

    Only 4% of Samsung Revenue are believed to be from Apple.
    While Samsung supplies at least half of Apple's iPad displays and a big portion of iPhone.

    Why does everyone think Samsung needs Apple more? It looks the other way to me. Regardless, it's business, personal issues don't get in the way of big contracts. They'll still work with each other blah blah. Apple's just trying to get a better contract which will be part of the "out-of-court" settlement.

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  • MacNut
    Nov 12, 09:03 PM
    You don't need to know a year ahead of Apple's product launch dates to run your business. There are lots of professionals using 5 year old software to get their millions of dollars of worth work done. I like software upgrades as much as the next guy, but just because it's cool to install new stuff, not that I'll be able to do much more than I can do right now with the new software.Big business will turn over machines every 2 years wether they need it or not. They have to budget for new equipment so they need to know what is down the pipeline.


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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Apr 6, 05:38 PM
    Here. I always like the home cloud concept, where you get your own personal server and can transfer data/sync through the cloud. So you own your data instead of trusting it to someone else.


    This is what I e been wanting to do for a very long time. Apple just wants to own all your data so they can market and advertise to you.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 27, 01:19 PM
    It was funny to me when this started and people were talking about jailbreaking and making it so this file could not be written.

    People were actually willing to make their phones not work properly because of their ignorance and paranoia.

    By the way I missing the part were Jobs said this was an oversight on Apple's part. From the part quoted here, it essentially says, working as intended.

    The issue is being deliberately overblown. There are a myriad other ways people are and have been "tracked". In this case, there isn't even any tracking going on, and the info that is stored WILL HAVE ZERO EFFECT ON THE AVERAGE USER. That's the kicker. It doesn't really affect anyone materially, tangibly, practically. But it *hints* that somewhere, somehow, there's a log indicating you were in the vicinity of certain cell phone towers. Which is about as worrisome as HR at work logging your hours!

    The info is practically useless in terms of actually "tracking" your exact position, but so long as there is a snowball's chance of misconstruing it, a bunch of idiots *will* misconstrue it . . . because they're sick and tired of Apple showing up the rest of the industry as retards, and Apple users announcing the same. We have a group of tech geeks here who think everyone is equal, every device is wonderful and has its place, and every company should play fair with each other. So they come out and try to equalize everything and downplay enthusiasm they deem as inappropriate. It's hilarious.


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  • BakedBeans
    Nov 11, 03:27 AM
    ok, STOP FIGHTING over freeness ;)

    anything goes thats remotely free, trials sharewares freeware.... anything... :):):)

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  • inkswamp
    Apr 1, 08:29 PM
    I don't think that barmann was making a case against a new technology that didn't fit the old ways like when mice were first introduced.

    Sounded like it to me. May not have been the gist, but unwittingly, he was making that argument.

    His point was that as much as iPad fanboys want it to be the coolist thing ever that will replace all those old-fashioned computers there are differences in machines between consumer ones and those used by professionals.

    This is the exact argument made against the mouse and GUI. Exact. Mouse and GUI-based machines were scoffed at by geeks back in the 80s as "toys." That's the same rhetoric I'm hearing now about the iPad and touch-based devices. "It won't do for real work done by professionals." "It's fun but I can't get things done on it." That may be true for some lines of work at this stage, but it's going to change fast so declaring it useless or a plaything at this stage is shortsighted.

    And BTW, nobody is saying the iPad will replace computers. Just like the mouse and GUI, this approach is going to continue evolving until ways are found for it to enhance computers and become an essential part of it. But it's insane for people to write off touch-based tablets as fanboy cheerleading


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  • bubba451
    Sep 26, 08:49 PM
    I'm a long-time .Mac subscriber: Backup and Sync alone are worth $100/year to me. But email? Their email servers are down more than they're up! This is putting lipstick on a pig.

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  • discounteggroll
    May 5, 09:26 AM
    software update, repair permissions, restart, upgrade ram or don't keep so much stuff open

    or use chrome =)


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  • tigress666
    May 6, 01:20 AM
    I want retribution, so do most americans. Glad we got it. And please define "destroyed", those countries were radical muslim wastelands and iraq had an evil dictator. They were pretty much destroyed as it is. Just like dirty trash bins attract flies and rats, those countries attract terrorists. Your solution to just leave the middle east alone is counterproductive, ignoring bullies never worked. Your country tried that with hitler, how did that work out for you?

    Don't fool yourself, this has nothing to do with going after bullies or being the good guy.

    Where are we with Mugabe (Who I'd argue is definitely as evil as Osama)? Where are we with Darfur? Or some other various countries in Africa that have some really evil people in it.

    Shoot, we have supported the bad guys before (Central America for example or for that matter we supported Saddam Hussein at one point and even Stalin with propoganda telling people how Stalin was our friend and I'd argue Stalin was probably more insane than Hitler. Hitler learned propoganda from Stalin as well) because it was in our better interest.

    Don't go thinking the US always supports the good guys or goes after the bad guys. There's a reason the terrorists can convince people we're evil and join them. It's a myth that "they hate our way of life" and more that we've supported people who haven't been so kind in the middle east.

    In the end a lot of our follies ended up due to the fear of communism. So now instead we have the fear of the religious terrorists. I wonder who we'll end up pissing off now with our policies of anything (and ally with anyone) who we think will help us against who we dislike (Even if who we ally with are not nice people themselves).

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  • Will Cheyney
    Dec 19, 05:20 PM
    Edited. Made it 75x75 instead of 60x60 pixels.


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  • Doctor Q
    Aug 19, 12:53 PM
    I wonder what the equivalent weight would be for these (http://www.badfads.com/pages/collectibles/8track.html)! :)

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  • andymodem
    Jul 31, 07:25 PM
    Mine until I get bored of it, which will probably be a week or so. :rolleyes:


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  • Uberglitch
    Oct 19, 06:39 PM


    Like I said, probably more forthcoming. I'll try to swing some for the marvel fans out there :-D

    May 2, 05:23 PM
    Perfect, as I already have appointment to donate on the 17th.

    Oct 6, 03:36 AM

    Apr 20, 03:29 AM
    wow, thats a nice time lapse Jared!

    not my photo :o im not smart enough to work a camera, and im too broke to get one too

    Oct 14, 08:41 AM
    Took this picture in Heidelberg Germany.

    Jan 9, 03:22 PM
    The keynote was terrible.

    It's called "MacWorld" yet there was nothing in there about the mac. Just this little toy that dosn't really interest me that much called the "iPhone" and the "Apple TV".

    I was desperate to see iLife 07, as I'm going to a place where there is an Apple store, and I really wanted to buy it then. For the very first time, Apple have actually disappointed me. :(

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