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Daily Horoscope On 14th December 2018

Daily horoscope 

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr. 20)

You have already begun to devise a list of your New Year resolutions it would appear but have you really spend an adequate amount of time introspecting? Have you planned on moving past the superfluous and generic ‘I will go to the gym’ or ‘I will quit smoking’ resolutions to delve deeper into your own psyche?
That would be the perfect place to begin if you do wish to welcome a change into your life that will make you proud. To be the best, you have got to know the worst about yourself first. Take a deep breath, pull out your diary and jot your thoughts down.

TAURUS (Apr. 21 – May 21)

Socially, there is nothing that can hold you back right now Taurus because you are radiant and bursting with an energy that is contagious. This unbelievable infusion of energy into your social life has been brought about by Mars moving into your Pisces and eleventh house making you irresistible for your friends and acquaintances. 
Revel in this wonderful times for they are staying until the New Year arrives. Your penchant for drama could stir up an unpleasant situation so take it easy.   

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

Dressing to impress is something you live by dear Gemini but then on some days, just a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt would do the trick for you. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re feeling lazy, or sad, or just about anything that could bring a Gemini down. You are looking for comfort today dear Gemini whether it’s an extra cushion on your chair, or rocking a pair of flat shoes instead of heels. 
A mentor might request you to do something that you would rather not do, but it would just be easier for all concerned parties if you just go through with it. 

CANCER (June 22 – July 23)

A disconcerting news will threaten to derail your day even as it has just begun. The day might involve you to be focused on damage control duty above all, and it is not a role you enjoy Cancer, but are just so damn good at. 
An acquaintance might need you to help them out with a bureaucratic task today, this means your plate will be truly full today but you won’t be so lucky with food. Do not ignore your health and make sure you make time for a meal between your hectic chores.

LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23)

How things change don’t they Leo? Surely you must be accustomed to the volatility of luck, life and everything else around you. You have been jolted back into reality thanks to something that ruptured the string of wonderful Decembers you have had in the past. Whether it’s an unforeseen tragedy, or simply a minor error on your part that has let things spiral out of control, it has drained all optimism from your mind.
But now more than ever is the time to harness this negative energy, and using it to focus on the bare essentials, eliminating the superfluous and before the year ends, enter the party riding a unicorn with fireworks setting off in the background; something only your dramatic self can pull off. 

VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23)

Last year’s events have begun to form a recurring slideshow in your mind Virgo, and this is causing you a considerable amount of anxiety already. Fear not because this year, things won’t be as out of control as they were but that will involve a conscious effort on your part. 
That is work you are willing to do dear Virgo. If it’s some consolation, your weekend looks rather good and unhindered by drama of any sort so guess there’s some respite for you after all.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23)

One of those days when you would rather do anything than step out and deal with people. It would be easy to succumb to hopelessness right now Libra, and just about anything could send you over the edge into a full scale episode but would that solve anything?
You have been feeling that family members have been unsupportive and friends have been lax in their attitude towards you, and it could all be true up to a certain extent but should you allow that to derail your peace of mind? Absolutely not. It might not be the best of times but if you just stick to the script and go about your day, the satisfaction of a job well done will make things better. 

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22)

If you have an event to attend today Scorpio, you will be surprised at how effortlessly you play the role of a total knockout and center of attention even when you aren’t trying. Although it is easy to get carried away and go overboard, you will hit the sweet spot today for people around you will be enamored by you. 
Take extra measures to be polite when communicating with friends and family today, especially a younger someone who looks up to you. A great time to revisit your Christmas shopping list to make some changes since your mind is bubbling with ideas today. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 22)
Is that something in your eye Sagittarius or are those sprinklers on your face acting extra sensitive today? Not completely uncharacteristic but you could find yourself feeling slightly overpowered by compassion and some strong emotions that you will be terrible at cloaking. 
There there dear Sagittarius! There’s nothing wrong with being slightly more sensitive than you’re used to being. This quality will resonate well with the opposite gender today, shedding a completely different light on your personality.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 – Jan. 20)

You might be forced to take an informed decision regarding a financial matter today even though you would rather avoid it but trust your gut Capricorn, it will only get easier if you do it. If it’s a loved one asking you to take a decision on their behalf, it’s simply because they trust you and your abilities.
Peculiar would be the right word to describe how you feel today Capricorn, with a consistency that will more or less stay the same until just before Christmas. It is obviously not enough to bog you down but stay optimistic dear Capricorn, it’s only temporary. 

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19)

Remember to not bite off more than you can chew Aquarius! Even if you’re a renowned and prolific chewer, please understand that there are some things that you just can’t finish on your own. Working Aquarians will have their resolve tested today which is heavy for the weekend, but if you don’t wish to spend the better part of your Friday night curled up in an office chair trying to make the deadline, ask for help. 
Spend some time with family even though you may not feel inclined to because it could end up reinvigorating your mind and have you raring to go just in time for the weekend.

PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar 20)

What you consider candid and honest, could be rude and inconsiderate for some. You’re not wrong to be that way Pisces since you might have to assume the role of a bad cop today for a change but come on too strong or things could go in the opposite direction of where you intended them to. 
You will be at your communicative best today so don’t be afraid to have conversations that you had kept on the backburner, waiting for the right opportunity because this is one. Professional or personal, getting your point across will be a piece of cake for you today Pisces. Stay hydrated and feisty! 

Source: Republicworld

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